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At ChickCheck, we bring industry-grade accuracy at an affordable price to the backyard hobbyist. Get reliable chick sexing results, now always for just $5 per chick, using precision genotyping techniques grounded in scientific research. The perfect solution for backyard chicken enthusiasts.

Sexy Chicks

How It Works


Order with your desired quantity of chicks for testing.


Use the instructions to collect and label DNA samples from each chick.


Send your samples through standard postal service.


Await your test results!

The Chick Behind ChickCheck

Ariadne Vlahakis, The Chick Behind ChickCheck

ChickCheck is a solopreneur-run, woman-owned company founded by molecular biologist Ariadne Vlahakis, Ph.D. Ariadne received her B.S. Degree in Genetics and Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cellular Biology at the University of California, Davis and continued her postdoctoral training in breast cancer biology at the University of California, San Francisco. A passionate devotee of chickens, Ariadne aims to use her scientific knowledge and skills to benefit backyard chicken enthusiasts. By providing high-quality, industry-grade technology at an affordable price, she hopes to make the joys of chicken keeping more accessible for local chicken enthusiasts.

Send a message to get started!

ChickCheck is pleased to announce a limited release of orders during our soft launch phase. We invite interested parties to collaborate with us during this initial operational period. For those willing to participate and provide feedback, please complete the form provided below or contact us via email at info@chickcheck.us.